Sales have ended for 2024!
Our shipping season has ended until after the new year. Happy Shelving!
Check out our fun videos below!
Hide the shot to start the fun,
Ring the bell—and the game has begun.
If you find this treasure, drink it up fast.
Hide it again—once you refill the glass.
The next lucky elf soon to discover,
enjoys a drink and hides it for another!

...Too complicated?
Try this...
Fill the Shot.
Hide the Shot.
Ring the Bell.
Find the Shot.
Drink the Shot.
Give a Yell!
Fill the Shot.
Hide the Shot.
Ring the Bell...
‘Twas a mystical night and I saw an elf. He was tipsy and dizzy and danced on my shelf.
I heard a bell ring and found he had left me a gift. A tasty little drink, which I drank in one sip.
Stumbling away, he bid me farewell, “I now bestow upon you this magical glass and bell. Share this tradition, year after year, and it will fill you with spirits and holiday cheer!”

SHOT ON A SHELF gets the spirits off the shelf for a new holiday tradition of surprise and delight! This is a drinking game played like a yuletide treasure hunt to make the Christmas season—a party!
Started by two brothers in 2015, SHOT ON A SHELF was created to add unspoken fun to humdrum holiday gatherings. By hiding a shot glass full of their favorite spirits to “shelve” the other brother into a tipsy good time, the game began with the ring of a bell and quickly became a family favorite!
Play over the 12 days of Christmas, the entire month of festivities, or in one raucous night of revelry—its up to you! Play it straight from the bottle, with a nice wine, a bowl of punch, or seasonal cocktail of your choice.
Playing with the whole family? Chocolate kisses, M&Ms, and love notes fit too!